5F5ize: Easy access to special Windows folders, location and size


Complementing the previous topic on how to access Windows special folders with SpecialFoldersViewToday I want to tell you about a new application that will help us to preview the location (directory) of these folders and their corresponding size, quickly and easily. I talk about 5F5ize.

5F5ize is a free tool designed for find the location and size of the different special folders on the system. The complete list of folders to display are:

  • Common files
  • Program files
  • Windows
  • System
  • Temp
  • desktop
  • Programs
  • Our Team
  • Favorites
  • Startups
  • Recent
  • Send to
  • Start menu
  • desktop folder
  • net hood
  • Fonts
  • common start menu
  • common programs
  • common start-up
  • common desktop folder
  • common app data
  • appdata
  • print hood
  • common favorites
  • templates
  • Internet caching
  • Cookies
  • History
  • Profile

To access the information of each of the folders, it will only be necessary to mark them and press the button «GetData«. With a double click these will be opened so that we have them. It is also possible to export them in a "CSV" file (opens in Excel), suitable for posting to forums for additional research.

5F5ize It is compatible with Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2003, etc., it is portable which means no installation required and very light.

Official site | Download 5F5ize (600 KB - Zip)

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