How to add in Excel? All the details!

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that can be used in various operating systems such as Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, among others. It has many mathematical applications, that is why this article explains how to add in excel


How to add in Excel

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In this way, it has become a fundamental tool for all users who require large accounting and office calculations. It is characterized by offering various characteristics that facilitate these mathematical processes and reduce its complications.

To know how to add in Excel, you only need to apply the fundamental formulas so that the program is in charge of carrying out each of the calculations as many times as necessary. That is why they are used by students, university students, workers and accountants, due to their wide range of functions and their ease of achieving large calculations.

How to add in Excel are very frequent questions that can be answered in a simple way and is to execute the correct formulas, with this alone it is possible to perform large amounts of sums in a short time and without errors that can be done if done by hand , so its efficiency is very high.

That is why it is important to know the steps that must be carried out as well as the formulas that must be implemented to obtain the desired and effective results, at a high speed and without many complications when carrying out the calculations, in this case the summation, but it can also be apply other mathematical operations such as subtraction, multiplication and division.

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The Excel program has spreadsheets which were created in order to save and store the information of the data found in the cells of the sheet, so that it can develop the mathematical operations that are established by the Username.

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The mathematical functions are used by means of some commands or formulas that the program has in this way, it is possible to carry out the calculations without problems. There are ways to understand or achieve how to add in Excel, that is why below is presented how this operation is achieved by following some guide points:

Add in Excel without formula

  • In this case, the application of a formula is not needed to achieve this mathematical operation, which is the sum
  • You have the possibility of only placing the sign "+"
  • As a first step, a new spreadsheet must be opened, which is where the operation will be carried out.
  • Then you must enter the data series to be used in the addition operation
  • It must be placed in a column consecutively, that is, if it is in column A, it is entered from cell A1, then in cell A2, so on until all the designated data is entered
  • Then it must be placed in the next cell of the celtic with the last value entered
  • In that cell you must enter the sign "="
  • This indicates that the operation is going to start.
  • Next, you must select the cells that have the values ​​to perform the sum
  • It must be shown after the sign: = A1 + A2 + A3… .An until the last value you want to be placed in the operation
  • Then to finish this operation you must select the "ENTER"
  • In this way, the corresponding sum is executed, giving the value in the cell where the operation was carried out.

Add in Excel with formula

  • In this case, a specific formula must be applied to achieve addition in Excel
  • This way you have greater flexibility with the data
  • This option is recommended when the amount of data you have is very high
  • The formula to be implanted is called "SUM" which is known as one of the main math operations tools in Excel
  • As a first step, you must place it in the cell where you want to obtain the result of the addition operation
  • Then you have to go in the options menu
  • Look for the option named "Formulas"
  • Then you must choose the option that says "Insert function".
  • Then you must select the option that says "SUM"
  • To finish you must select the option that says "To accept"
  • With this form the result of the desired sum is obtained with the entered values

How to add in Excel with AutoSum?


Another way to perform the addition operation in the Excel program is by using the AutoSum function, so that the Excel program can perform the corresponding sum automatically, thus being a very useful tool when there is a lot of data and values ​​in the operation.

This tool is represented with the symbol of Ʃ, which has the denomination of Summation, giving the possibility of simultaneously achieving the corresponding sum of various numbers, thus saving a lot of time and effort when performing this operation.

This function is found in Excel through an icon to enter the option called AutoSum presented by the program, which is located in the spreadsheet menu bar in the tab called Home where it has many tools for operations that can be used.

Some of these tools that can be applied in these operations is the average of the corresponding values, as well as the maximum of the values ​​you enter and in turn the minimum of the data that are selected, it also gives the option of containing the count of the numbers , and many other functions that can be used.

This AutoSum tool can be used in the case that the user has several data in the operation, that is why the following shows the steps that must be followed by means of points to apply this AutoSum option and understand how to add in Excel:

  • The first step to take is to open a new spreadsheet
  • Then you must enter the corresponding data, each one in its specific column
  • In these cases, as they are large amounts of data grouped in different sectors, the determined data set is placed in its column
  • An example is that you enter the values ​​of the data set in column A, of data set 2 in column B, so on until all the corresponding values ​​are entered
  • Then you must locate in the last box where the last value of the first column A was entered
  • In the next cell you must select twice in the option of "Autosum"
  • In this way it will be possible to achieve the desired result of the sum of the column with the determined values
  • The selected cell shows the sum of the values ​​in that column
  • If you need to apply for each column, you just have to repeat the steps previously explained
  • This operation can be seen that in the Excel formula bar it shows the operation that is being performed which would be "SUM (A1: An)" where it is indicated from which cell to which cell the sum is going to be made
  • You also have the possibility of performing AutoSum in the Excel program between rows
  • For this form it must be placed in the last cell that is next to the last entered value
  • We proceed to select the AutoSum option twice
  • Then in the cell the result of the sum of each cell that is in the row will be obtained

Fundamental tricks to run the AutoSum option in Excel


When you are in doubt about how to add in Excel, there are different ways to answer because there are several tools that allow such an operation, among which is the AutoSum option, which is used for large amounts of data and values ​​in the cells in the worksheet.

In these cases, it is enough to just go to the box with the first data entered and proceed to drag with a click to the right if you want to add each column in the values, where you can see the selection of said cell appears selected with a dark box where there is the AutoSum option.

The sum operation is carried out automatically in each of the columns efficiently and without much effort, performing the operation consecutively. D this same way happens if it is placed in the cell of the autosum and the boxes are selected downwards making the sum of each corresponding row.

Another way in which AutoSum can be performed is by selecting twice on the icon "+", it is executed in the corresponding cells obtaining the result of the sum of the determined values ​​without the need to execute it with the pointer, so it is considered as a trick for AutoSum.

Sum in the table simultaneously


In this case, if you want to perform the addition operation on some values ​​found in the cells that are arranged in a row and in a column, a series of steps must be followed, which are shown below in a form of guide points to facilitate its application in the spreadsheet of the Excel program:

  • The first step to be carried out is to select or choose the row and column that the AutoSum operation is going to perform.
  • Then the AutoSum option must be selected twice
  • In this way, the total sum of the operation is obtained with the corresponding values
  • Then in the next step we find that the Excel program performs the addition operation automatically in the rows and in turn in the columns
  • For this you must select the values ​​found in the cells
  • A column should be left together with a blank row
  • In this way, it is possible to carry out the operation automatically with the corresponding values ​​and in a simultaneous way.

Sum in a whole column in Excel


To achieve adding in only one column in the Excel program, it can be executed in a very simple way since this procedure can generate doubts at the time of its application, that is why below is the steps that must be followed to apply it in the right way:

  • In the first step that must be carried out, a new Excel spreadsheet must be opened
  • Then the corresponding values ​​must be entered
  • For this, each of the determined data must be placed in column A
  • Now you must perform the procedure to add each of the values ​​entered in column A
  • The amount of entered values ​​must be taken into account because it should be highlighted until the last row that has that column with the entered values
  • Now it should be located in the last cell with the entered value
  • We proceed to select the cell that follows and that is empty
  • It is at that moment that you should go to the menu that Excel has available
  • Then you must select the AutoSum option
  • The result of the sum made is obtained
  • With these simple steps it is possible to add the data entered in a specific column
  • You can also run this sum on the column by entering an operation
  • The cell that follows the last value entered must be selected
  • Then the following command is selected "Alt + Shift + ="
  • In this way, the result of the sum operation to be carried out is automatically obtained.
  • Being in this way a trick or a shortcut that the Excel program has

Add two columns in Excel

The question of how to add two columns in Excel is also very common, in which you can also apply the shortcuts that the Excel program has to facilitate the execution of this operation. For this, a series of points must be followed that serve as a guide for the steps to follow to perform the sum between two columns:

  • In the first step, a new spreadsheet of the Excel program must be opened
  • Then the corresponding values ​​must be entered in two different columns
  • These can be Column A and Column B
  • Then you must select the columns to perform the Sum operation
  • Next you must select the keys "Alt + Shift + ="
  • This key combination automatically executes the sum between the two columns
  • The results are obtained in the cell that is empty and next to the last cell with the value of the entered column
  • This form is considered as an Excel trick to save time and effort to perform the addition operation between two columns
  • In this way, the desired result is achieved in an easy and simple way.

What is the "Add if" function in Excel?

Among the various functions and tools available in the Excel program, the SUMARIF function stands out because it is considered one of the most useful operations that users can use, since it gives the option of achieving a sum of a set of cells that presents a specific criterion.

In this way, it is possible to separate from the operation all the heats that do not present this specific characteristic or criterion and that are implemented by the user. With this condition selected, the sum can be executed according to the condition that is needed, thus achieving various sums by simply changing the condition.

The SUMARIF function presents a series of arguments that are the basis of its operation, so it is important to know these arguments to be able to apply this function correctly, that is why the arguments it has to understand are explained below. better its performance:


  • It is the mandatory argument
  • It consists of determining or searching the range established in the cell
  • It covers all the values ​​that are going to be analyzed and evaluated


  • It is a mandatory argument
  • Give the condition that must be met
  • It imposes the characteristic that must be taken into account in the cell and that is taken into account in the sum
  • Establishes the expression of the sum, either in the form of a number, text, among others
  • When you have the case in which you have a condition of a specific number, the result that is produced by the cell that corresponds to the number of the condition is generated.
  • You can also present the case that the condition is due to an expression, so at that time you can select limits of "Greater than" or also "Less than" to proceed with the corresponding sum
  • In the case that a condition that is text is established, it is when there are text values ​​which must meet in the generation of the sum of other columns that have specific numbers

Sum range

  • This is an optional argument
  • It consists of indicating the cells that are going to enter or participate in the corresponding sum
  • When a certain value is excluded, the sum is carried out with the Range argument

How to add the hours in Excel?

In the Excel program, various operations can be carried out as functions, among which the operation of performing the sum of hours can be highlighted, this case being a little more complicated compared to other addition operations due to the fact that it must have the knowledge of the procedures to be carried out properly.

For this procedure it is necessary to understand the steps that must be carried out to simplify the work and avoid complications in its execution. The main doubt and complication that is obtained in this type of operations is when in different cells they have different hours and minutes, so the sum begins to level up in difficulty.

In these cases, cells with different hours and minutes are arranged in a specific range, so adding the total hours is difficult. The SUM function cannot be executed because this operation requires a more developed calculation, so if it is used the result is not correct.

For these cases, the cells of the spreadsheet must be formatted to be able to achieve the operation in an adequate way. That is why the steps to be followed are shown below through some points that serve as a guide to achieve the operation of the addition in the correct way:

  • For the first step that must be carried out is to have the cells of the formatted spreadsheet to proceed to the SUMA procedure.
  • Then the corresponding minute and hour values ​​must be entered in each cell
  • Then it is positioned in the last cell with the entered value
  • Now proceed to direct to the next cell that is empty
  • We proceed to select the right mouse click
  • Then you must select the option of "Cell format"
  • In this part we proceed to open a box with options
  • Then you have to go to the section called "Category"
  • Then you must choose the option called "Custom"
  • Now you must scroll in the section called "Types"
  • Below is the possibility of choosing a specific format
  • In this case, you must choose the format "[H]: mm: ss".
  • It is selected on the button that says "To accept"
  • It is important to remember that the hours must be strained in brackets
  • In this way it gives the definition that the sum of the hours and minutes is generated in the appropriate way
  • To complete this procedure, you must select on the AutoSum button

How to sum specific dates in Excel?

In the Excel program you have the possibility of adding dates in a simple and simple way, however, doubts are usually generated in this section because this type of addition and its procedure is not very common, however the steps that must be taken perform are simple without the need to increase the complications in its execution.

The dates must be considered by the program as integers so that the difference of a text string is established and the addition operation can be carried out. That is why the steps to be followed are shown below by means of a few points so that this sum is made more easily:

  • In the first step to be carried out, an empty spreadsheet must be opened
  • Then you must enter the corresponding dates
  • If different dates are available, enter in cell A1 and in cell B1
  • Then you must select cell d B1
  • Now it is clicked with the right mouse button
  • You must select the option of "Cell format"
  • Then you must choose the option of "General"
  • We proceed to open an options box
  • Then it should be shown that in cell B1 the specific number changes to "43702"
  • With this, 1 value is added to that cell
  • Then it must be selected again "Cell format"
  • Now it is modified to a short date
  • In this way, the sum of the corresponding date is achieved

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