How to install AdBlock

Install AdBlock in your use of Google Chrome and synchronizing on your devices is a total relief for you, since it is an extension that is responsible for blocking all ads and pop-up advertising, placing filters and following the parameters that you choose.

AdBlock is FREE, after downloading it, its use starts automatically just by pressing the "add to Chrome" option, then, browse as usual and you will appreciate how the ads go away. It will give you the options “Keep seeing harmless ads” –the policy explained above-, “allow ads on favorite websites” and “block all ads by default”.

To install AdBlock

Step 1:

Enter the chrome web store.

Step 2:

Under “Home” you will see multiple options, choose “extensions” with the puzzle piece symbol. Search for “AdBlock”.

Step 3:

Click “add to Chrome”. Enter the information requested.

Step 4:

Access any web page and you will see how the ads are deactivated.

Step 5:

Choose between the options "Keep seeing harmless ads" -the policy explained above-, "allow ads on favorite websites"

If you wish to remove this AdBlock extensionYou just have to enter the chrome web store, enter "extensions" again, which is a tab in "home" and look for AdBlock, select the "deactivate" option.

If the extension is visible in a tab of the top bar of Google Chrome, click on the AdBlock icon, a small window will be displayed with several configuration options, within these options, there is a bar that says "deactivate" select and you will notice that the AdBlock signals that it is "paused".

What does AdBlock do?

  1. Basically, keep your privacy safe, since it prevents the passage of any third-party tracker, with the issue of security, espionage, the fear that private information will be revealed, it is ideal to have this extension. Prevent advertisers from looking at your history to suggest their ads to you.
  2. Block any type of advertisement with the presence of malware, cryptocurrency mining, viruses, scams, pornography, etc.
  3. Optimize internet use by boosting page loading speed.
  4. Allows you to perform Backup settings configuration and sync them. You can customize filters, blocking rules, allow lists, night mode and add color or themes to the elements.
  5. If you are one of those who cannot stand Youtube AdsAt the beginning, at the end, in the middle of the videos, AdBlock is definitely for you, as it stops all the pages and pop-ups, banners and yes, ads. Not only from YouTube, but also from Facebook, Twich and all the pages you visit.
  6. Instead of ads, you can place the preview images you want, great fun!

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